New Whitepaper - Evolution of Pumping Technology and Superior Performance

Armstrong is pleased to announce the availability of a new whitepaper to help representatives promote Design Envelope technology and win projects. The whitepaper Evolution of Pumping Technology and Superior Performance covers a wide range of Design Envelope pump topics that should make it easier to bring late convertors to current HVAC sustainable technology. The document begins with a history of the development of variable speed technology and follows with an explanation of the value and importance of best efficiency staging of pumps. The next topic is a description and explanation of the value of partial redundancy as a more cost-effective and efficient alternative to the traditional duty/standby configuration for pumps. The annex portion of the document updates an earlier whitepaper on the advantages of Design Envelope versus traditional constant speed pumps with wall mounted VFDs and questionable sensor placements. The white paper is attached and is available for download from our website at:
Please take a moment to download the file, familiarize yourself with the material and include the concepts discussed in your future sales calls.