Water Source Heat Pumps

The uncompromising quality of all FHP products make them the ideal choice for the commercial new construction market as well as tight retrofit projects. FHP’s family of products deliver best-in-class comfort, efficiency and noise levels along with a wide range of available features and options. Their Industry leading efficiency levels also help building owners maximize LEED® credits on their high performance projects.

Shorefit® HVAC products rely on years of experience and product innovation synonymous with The Whalen Company to develop products sure to fit your application. Their long-term commitment to this endeavor assures you of systems that are high quality, operate reliably and provide the best value to the customer.

From a unique initial concept in riser heat-exchanger systems developed decades ago, The Whalen Company has built on their early successes to develop a family of products to meet the needs of residential and commercial building industries in the construction of hotels, apartments, condominiums and other multi-story buildings.

WaterFurnace geothermal heating and cooling systems come in three basic configurations, designed to meet the needs of your home and provide the highest efficiency and the greatest energy savings. And nearly all of our products meet or exceed the Energy Star® requirements.